How do topical creams take care of back and neck pain?

A wide variety of medication with different methods of administration is available to treat patients with neck and back pain. Drugs that help deal with pain include narcotics, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, anti-anxiety medications and topical anesthetics. The physician might end up combining one or more types of medication with an intent to give you maximum relief or to restrict the side effects of large doses of a single agent.

A wide variety of medication with different methods of administration is available to treat patients with neck and back pain. Drugs that help deal with pain include narcotics, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, anti-anxiety medications and topical anesthetics. The physician might end up combining one or more types of medication with an intent to give you maximum relief or to restrict the side effects of large doses of a single agent.

Medications that pose less risk or side-effects are available over-the-counter. Medications with stronger dosage are only available once it is prescribed by the physician’s. Patients should keep in mind that because you can get your hands on medication without doctor’s prescription doesn’t make it entirely safe. Ensure that you read the label and follow dosing guidelines to the letter.

If taken in high doses, even acetaminophen (Paracetamol) can leave you with severe liver damage. It would help to a great extent if you discuss these medications with the doctor before trying one. If you plan to go on taking over-the-counter drug, ensure that your physician knows about it. To reduce the chances of risk of side effects or potentially deadly drug interactions, inform your physician about all the drugs you take, including herbal remedies.

In case of acute pain, intramuscular and intravenous injections are suggested. In case of chronic pain, medications are generally administered orally in pill form. However, both these methods have their respective limitations and sometimes an alternate route of medication delivery may be required. The different route can be inhalation or rectal or topical application (on the skin).

Topical pain relievers – Nonpatch

Topical pain relieving drugs can be defined as preparations applied to the skin with the help of a cream, patch, gel, pain relief spray and ointment. In this article we will discuss about the usage of non-patch type topical pain relievers. Topical drugs tries to reduce inflammation below the skin surface and soothe nerve pain. Some of these creams are only available with the prescription of a physician and others you can easily get over-the-counter.

The year 1980 saw the birth of first ‘through the skin’ (TTS) therapeutic or transdermal product. Since then scientists across the globe has developed safer and more effective methods to deliver drugs, hormones and supplements into the human body. Administering medication and health improving formulations via skin is gathering more and more attention.

Opening the skin cells

Skin is known as the largest organ of the human body. It acts as a protective water barrier, controls temperature, regulates fluid loss, and performs a wide variety of functions important to homeostasis (healthy internal balance). Skin consist of many layers that is supported by an intricate blood supply. The blood vessels go from below the skin in a framework of connective tissues including fat and fascia (the “gristle” that keeps the tissues together.

Scientists have invented compounds that can safely carry medications and other compounds through the skin layers into the blood. It is believed that certain compounds help to penetrate the skin barrier by opening naturally closed channels for a certain period of time. These penetration enhancers assist the skin in absorbing the drug.

Topical medications and your spine

Specialists in spine care and pain may end up recommending a topical pain reliever to help relieve the symptoms of wide variety of back and neck disorders. For instance, a topical medicine would be used to treat the pain associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, neck or low back strain, whiplash, spasm and muscle inflammation, and certain types of nerve pain.