How to Deal with Back Pain During Pregnancy

You are in one of the happiest phases of your life, pregnancy. You are about to be blessed with motherhood, and your family is about to grow. But these nine months are also the most challenging ones in your life. The changes in your body can cause many problems. One of them is back pain.

Back pain during pregnancy is a common trouble. The pain may grow with activity. Women who have obesity or pre-existing problems with the lower back, are in the high-risk zone. It is essential to understand the types of back pain in pregnancy, its causes, and how to counter it.

Types of back pain in pregnancy

  • A sharp or burning constant pain in the lower back area
  • Pain on one side, that is, either the left side of the back or the right.
  • Pain in the middle back
  • Pain radiating into the legs and thighs, originating from the back, as seen in cases of Sciatica
  • Not being able to lift the front side of the foot, i.e., foot drop

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

  • Weight gain during pregnancy
  • Increasing pressure of the growing baby
  • Hormonal changes
  • Strain due to the changed posture
  • Muscle separation in the area
  • Mental and emotional stress

Ways to counter backache during pregnancy

There are certain remedies for back pain during pregnancy. They can help you treat the pain and deal with pregnancy with less worry about back pains.

Staying active

Limited or restricted movement makes your back stiff. To avoid this, be physically active. Perform activities such as stretching, walking, deep breathing, gently and carefully. Stretching helps strengthen your back and pelvis.

Keeping proper posture

Keep proper posture while sitting, sleeping, or working. Keep the spine straight. While standing, take the shoulders back and the hips forward. While sleeping, keep a soft pillow between the knees.

Taking a massage

One of the best solutions for back pain during pregnancy is a gentle massage to the shoulders and waist. Take the help of trained massage professionals who know the right points and methods.

Taking Hot and cold treatments

Put cold compressors or use heating pads on your back. You will feel comfortable. Never apply heat to your abdomen.

Consulting a counsellor

If your back pain is the result of stress or emotional imbalance, take advice from a counsellor. Practice relaxation techniques or mental exercises under their guidance.

Dealing with back pain during pregnancy is tough but can be achieved with the right measures. Moov, with its Ayurvedic pain-relief properties, can help alleviate your back pain. You can trust Moov creams and sprays to keep your back away from pain during your pregnancy days.