Have a severe back pain? 4 ways your posture can change that

If you are down with back pain on frequent occasions, you should check your posture. Poor posture happens when you habituate your body to align its muscles in a certain position for an extended period of time. For e.g. If you bend forward in the direction of your desk while sitting on your office chair, your postural muscles are exposed to the risk of injury and back pain.

The way you sit, stand, sleep and walk affects your body and in the long run it changes your personality.

First of all, let’s find out what is a bad posture and what causes it.

A bad posture leads to problems in digestion, breathing and also causes pain of neck, shoulder and back. A bad posture compromises overall health and body efficiency.

A bad posture can be a result of one or combination of following factors

  1. Accidents, injuries or falls
  2. Poor back support
  3. Excessive weight
  4. Foot problems/improper foot wears
  5. Weak muscles
  6. Occupational stress
  7. Careless sitting, standing or sleeping habits
  8. Poorly designed work space

Bad posture can be controlled and corrected

Being aware of your posture can not only help in keeping your back pain at bay but also make you look taller and more confident.

Here are some precautions to avoid back pain.

Sitting Posture:

  • At all times, your feet should be placed flat on the ground. If they don’t reach the ground, keep them flat on a footrest.
  • Your ankle should be aligned marginally in front of your knees. Do not cross your leg as this puts strain on your calf muscles and may lead to a hamstring injury.
  • Your knees should be at hip-level
  • Your shoulders must be pulled back and your back should be in line with your neck and shoulders. Refrain from hunching forward or bending backwards. At first, it may be hard for you to maintain this posture, so you can cheat a bit by placing a pillow between your back and the chair, which will give your back the support it needs to stay erect
  • Ensure your forearms are parallel to the floor

Standing Posture:

  • Let your shoulders relax and have them pulled backward and aligned to the back.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles which will help in keeping your body stand straight
  • Always try and keep your spine straight aligned with your neck and shoulders. Refrain from hunching forward or slouching. When you hunch or slouch, your spine has to deal with the extra weight of muscles, which is one of the major reasons behind back pain.

When standing, always keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bend so that your hips don’t have to take all the weight of your body

Sleeping Posture:

  • When you lie down, ensure that your back is straight and not bent. Placing a pillow below your knees automatically forces the back to be straight. This helps in keeping your body relaxed
  • As much as possible, refrain from sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping sideways or on your back is highly advised.
  • Go for a good mattress. A good mattress should be firm as it can help in case you are suffering from lower back pain.

Walking Posture:

  • While walking let your heel touch the ground first and let the toes follow.
  • Your chin should stay parallel to the ground
  • Your hips and stomach should be straight and in line with the rest of your body. Refrain from arching your back
  • Always remember to look straight while walking and not down at your toes.

Keep these tips to avoid back pain and correct your posture in mind and follow them. If you still experience pain and discomfort use Moov, its formulation helps relieve pain naturally.